Jo R.
North House
Topic: PTSD
Essential Question: What is the most effective way to treat PTSD?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

1) For my independent study component, I will be starting a peer mediation group at Golden Springs Elementary with Griselda Solis. In order to lead this group, I will learn techniques in the Peer Mediation elective. Mario Ruiz, a fifth grade teacher at Golden Springs who has a background in psychology, will be working with us to start this program. The goal of the peer mediation group at the school is to teach children how to deal with bullies, everyday conflict that they may experience, and coping skills they can use for every situation. 

2) Besides the sessions that we will have starting February, we will need to set up several meetings to prepare and organize. These meetings will be listed in a meeting log, along with the sessions which will be about an hour and a half every week. 

3) As you may recall, my EQ is "What is the most effective way to treat post-traumatic stress disorder?", but because of the confidentiality issues, I cannot sit in while therapy is being performed. My alternative, and possibly an answer to my EQ, is to try to prevent it. By showing kids coping skills, I could research one of the methods used in the military, prevention. 

1 comment:

  1. This is well written, but I don't think you'll be able to get enough hours as we will really have to work toward the 60 for service learning. Maybe you could read some books on people who have suffered from PTSD and then take notes on possible ways to treat them or something like that.
