Jo R.
North House
Topic: PTSD
Essential Question: What is the most effective way to treat PTSD?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Third Interview Questions

  1. How do you feel about the effectiveness of current PTSD treatments?
  2. Would you be more likely to put someone on medication or in group-therapy? Why? Would the cause of PTSD or gender of the person change what treatment you would give them?
  3.   When seeing a patient with multiple conditions (i.e. PTSD, alcoholism, and extreme anxiety) do you prioritize to address first?
  4. Where do you see the developments in the research of PTSD going in the next ten years?
  5.  Do you have preferences over Paxil or Zoloft? Why?
  6.  How do you, personally, develop a treatment plan for a patient with PTSD?
  7.  People diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder usually suffer from at least one other affliction. Are there any specific afflictions that you noticed are common in PTSD patients?
  8.  When treating a person with PTSD with talk therapy, how often do you typically see them?
  9. What treatments have the most side-effects?
  10. When are PTSD patients easiest to treat? When are they most difficult?
  11. What treatment do you usually get the best results from?

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